so, good news - i saw a dog today

Happy Monday!

It has been almost a year since my fiancé and I decided we should open an event venue in Cleveland. Although it sounded crazy at the time, the overwhelming support we have received from the Tremont West Development Corporation, Cleveland Landmarks Commission, and Tremont neighborhood has been encouraging, and I am extremely grateful and excited to provide this resource to the community.

With that said, I wanted to update everyone on where we are in the process.

Today the Board of Zoning Appeals granted the variances we need to submit for a construction permit. If all goes according to plan, we should break ground within the next two months. Follow The Elliot on Instagram to see me take the first swing.

The talented folks at Dimit Architects are finishing up renderings so you can see what your event could look like. I got a sneak peek and nearly cried. I’ll share those when I get them.

I plan to start taking bookings for next year at the end of this summer. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to discuss an event you are hosting and I’d be happy to answer any questions you have!

Enjoy the summer,

P.S. If anyone wants to purchase original pews from the church, DM me at @theelliotcle - they’re pretty cool.


a sneak peek